Tuesday, September 20, 2016



By Israel Ademuyiwa Adediran

INFORMATION is everywhere; INSIGHT is all too rare, for insight goes beyond information to discern the underlying TRUTHS.

At the Aquatic Revelation Institute (the arm of our company responsible for the running of seminars in conjunction with Success Attitude Development Centre), we are not content with simply collecting and providing information. Our Aquaculturists, Analysts, and Practising Past Participants working at our own (and other select) pilot farms look at situations at these fish farms from many perspectives: local, regional, global. They then share our findings with each other and the customer.

The Broad Base of Knowledge enables us to develop insights that reflect the realities of farming which, in turn, enable us to Formulate Advice (as in our 70 plus page manual) that allows our clients to take advantage of opportunities.

This is true whether our client is an individual investor looking for ways to invest his retirement benefits, the Agriculture Minister of a sovereign government seeking advice on aquaculture or the CEO who comes to us for ideas on expanding into fish farming. 

Over the years and around the country, we have built a reputation of Translating Insight into Sound, Longterm Advice. This is why so many individuals, institutions and companies have discovered that the difference between information and insight is Results, as the testimonials of some of our past conventional systems who are coming for the recirculation techniques seminar, speaks:

23rd Nov. 2001
11.37 a.m.
Good Morning Sir,
It is me J form Mrs. A. How is work? Mummy sent me to come and find out whether you are having fingerlings. We need it for some of our buyers; we were unable to supply them due to incomplete state of our hatchery at present. So in order not to disappoint them, we have to get it for them by all means.
Probably we will need up to 25,000 pcs. of fingerlings. I will come back tomorrow or on Monday to tell you what our arrangement will be.
E. J.

Subject: Got Your Mail!!
Date: Tue. 23 Oct. 2001 08:19:52+0200
Good day to you. How are your family? I’ve gotten some 30,000 pieces of Catfish that might interest you, they are fully matured, I mean table size. Right now, I’ll want to sell 6,000 pieces based on the market, they are twenty weeks old in the pond and most of them are weighing above 2kg and above. There are smaller ones too but they weigh above 1kg too.
Let me just give you the breakdown of the fish weight and size.
Weight – ½ kilo                       1kilo    2kilo    2 ½ kilo
Size -        1’6”                        1’8”     1’11”   2’4”
I’m giving you this based on the ones I scooped. I’ll want people that can buy in tones, so if you are interested I shall expect your mail by Wednesday. In fact, we need to discuss at length because I’m going on Ornamental Fishery by next year and I could buy some of the tapes you sell as guide.
O. M. O.

(See the two quotes above).
Do you desire to experience these kinds of testimonies on a 10 fold level? If yes, then this seminar is meant for you.
The recirculation technology can be used for hatchery, nursery and production (grow-out) fish ponds and is not limited to catfish alone. You only need to work smart (not hard) to achieve results.
Even if you are only going to practice using your spare time, you will learn what it takes to grow fish from 10grams to market size like the Trainee in Testimonial B with about N9 million worth of fish to sell.
A look at the facts below will prod you to take action no matter what you are involved in at the moment.
Fact 1: many large and small corporations and even governmental parastatals are deliberately dragging or outrightly refusing to pay pensions or gratuities to workers who have served them with the prime time of their lives. As a worker or retiree, did you prepare for this embarrassment?
Fact 2: majority of civil servants, traders and commuters spend an average minimum of 3 hours daily on the road to and from their work place (e.g. Iyana-Ipaja – CMS). That sums up to a colossal 936 hours per annum (or 117 working days = 4 solid months!). That means you are ‘boxed up’ inside the vehicle from Jan. 1st to Apr. 30th in the name of white collar job!
WAKE UP!! That’s enough time to raise N120,000 worth of fish (400 pieces) within a (2 metre diameter) circular rubber vat (connected to a triple filter) at any conceivable space.
Why not spend all that ‘waste time/energy’ on a plot mini-farm and see the results before embarking on something bigger.
Are you going to wait till you are retired? You need preparation, so that no amount of huff and puff should blew your blood pressure apart.
Everything depends on know-how. That’s why over 70 pages (manual volume) have been devoted to make for you whichever of the multi-varied filtration/recirculation alternatives will suit your pocket.
You don’t have to wait to read another fish article before taking the right step...... 
CALL MR FISH ON 08037189694 OR 08096680061 (WHATSAPP) OR SEND AN E-MAIL TO mrfishbiodisk@gmail.com or catfish192001@yahoo.com.

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